I discovered I am a star seed from the Andromeda galaxy which makes so much sense in my life. Ever since I was 3 years old, I always have felt this sense of not belonging to the society I was growing up in. I remember the first time seeing in airplane in the sky and thinking to myself at age 3, "wow that is old". I always felt like I never belonged to earth and its norms of society. When I watched the movie Pocahontas at age 5, my soul immediately felt a connection to the character in that movie because it was and still is how I feel I am supposed to be; free, connected with nature, living in a community of spiritual beings, growing my own food. My soul has rarely reincarnated on earth and my mission here is to help humanity transition into awakening and help mother earth. When I am in the midst of traffic or flying down the interstate, I blast the Pocahontas soundtrack because it makes me feel so alive and connected to earth. I resonate with certain lyrics in "Steady a...