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Showing posts from August, 2020

My Soul Resonates with Pocahontas

I discovered I am a star seed from the Andromeda galaxy which makes so much sense in my life. Ever since I was 3 years old, I always have felt this sense of not belonging to the society I was growing up in. I remember the first time seeing in airplane in the sky and thinking to myself at age 3, "wow that is old". I always felt like I never belonged to earth and its norms of society. When I watched the movie Pocahontas at age 5, my soul immediately felt a connection to the character in that movie because it was and still is how I feel I am supposed to be; free, connected with nature, living in a community of spiritual beings, growing my own food. My soul has rarely reincarnated on earth and my mission here is to help humanity transition into awakening and help mother earth.  When I am in the midst of traffic or flying down the interstate, I blast the Pocahontas soundtrack because it makes me feel so alive and connected to earth. I resonate with certain lyrics in "Steady a...

How Daily Yoga Practice is Affecting My Life

I have been consistently practicing yoga everyday twice a day for the past week. In this past week, I have been more productive around the house and more motivated to hustle.  I have NEVER had upper body strength until I started practicing yoga on a daily basis. Today was the first day in my life where I had the strength to mow the lawn in my backyard and the side of my house. I am going to do the rest later after my yoga session. :) I could pull the string to start it and push it for about 30 minutes. I felt so good!! Also, I have been keeping up with my dishes since I cook a lot at home and rarely eat out anymore.  It has been making me feel great and more conscious of everything I do. I recently went through my music and deleted everything that was low vibrational, attracting negativity, and cursing. I cannot even express how much this has impacted me. I'm also conscious of everything I eat. I am focused on eating high vibrational foods and alkaline water. The other day I w...

Yoga for Tight Hips

Yesterday evening, I practiced a yoga flow with a lovely yogi online via Youtube. Her name is Kassandra and she created an AMAZING hip opening sequence that left me feeling new! Throughout her practice, in some of the poses I was confronting my limitations. I pushed certain edges to my limit and broke through some of them. Others I could not. When I couldn't get into a full pose like Eka Pada Rajakapotasana, it made me feel defeated at first. After breathing where I was in the pose that almost lead to Eka Pada Rajakapotasana, I realized PRACTICE and PATIENCE. I immediately felt empowered.  Now, in my personal practice I am going to build up to Eka Pada Rajakapotasana and master that asana. During the flow, I heard "you can do this". It made me smile and push towards my limitations in her practice. I am so grateful to have experienced that because it will help me grow mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.  I liked that her practice was different. Normally, I ...

Incoming Solar Activity

Today was the peak day in a 10 day portal activation between August 22nd to August 31st. There is an increase in cosmic activity and several spots on the sun are lighting up. It is the beginning of a new solar cycle and this means inner work is coming up.  Whenever I begin to deal with my inner work, I discipline myself into something new. Recently, I have created and stuck with a morning ritual and evening ritual that has been serving me well. Every morning I will meditate, practice yoga, burn an incense, and just breathe. Sometimes, I earth and journal outside and make a goal of getting at least 20 minutes of sunshine daily. When our bodies receive sunlight for at least 20 minutes, it helps strengthen our immunity and helps our bodies fight off the bad viruses, bacteria, and amoeba.  This lunar cycle has been major for me because I felt heart chakra upgrades and the need to raise my vibration higher. I have this innate feeling of wanting to be and feel lighter, so I have com...

Waxing Crescent Moon Flow

Today, I attended a yoga session via online. This lovely soul, Loring, taught her personal class on her Youtube channel. I liked how her flow was challenging because I haven't developed my upper body strength yet, so it was a nice edge to test. I liked her variation of the side plank pose with one knee on the ground and one hand lifted to open up the heart and hips. Also, I really enjoyed the end when we chanted "OM Shreem" with our hands pushed together at the third eye. I literally saw my computer with the video playing through my third eye!! It was such a cool experience that challenged my limits.  Lately, I have been seeing flashes of blues and purples through my third eye. I also noticed a UFO saucer shape that had a purple hue to it and a friendly grey being with big, black eyes when I was in my trance. I am a star seed, so I found that quite interesting. I'm so excited for tomorrow because it is the peak day of the portal activation for these new solar energy f...

Healing powers of crystals

I have many crystals that I associate with each chakra and their individual healing properties. I love cleansing, charging, and meditating with my crystals on a daily basis. They help you raise your vibration and aid in assisting with ailments. I was called to certain crystals that elevate my vibration. As a star seed, I am drawn to strong, potent, high vibrational crystals. I usually sleep with different crystals underneath my pillows at night. I always set my highest vibrational intention and wake up feeling rested and refreshed. I also use sacred geometry and have my own personal crystal grid where I write down my intentions, what I wish to manifest from the universe, and many other things. I place that paper folded up in the middle of my grid and let it sit for at least 40 days (1 month and a few weeks). Once my intentions and wishes have been fulfilled, I draw up new intentions and wishes. There is much to learn with patience and the universe. The universe is RICH, so it is up to ...

Transitioning from 3D to 5D consciousness

  TODAY I have decided to raise my vibration to be 3D -> 5D. What does that mean? 1. Being in the 3rd dimension is what we observe on the physical plane. Being GROUNDED protects us from psychic and energetic attacks. This happens when you are open in the 4th dimension (4D) and you do not have the highest intention for yourself, for those involved, or for anything else. To be grounded and protected in 3D, I like to play my C-12 root crystal sound bowl, practice Bodhi Yoga™, stretch, meditate, use essential oils, and practice cupping on my muscles to release. 2. You want to AVOID being in the 4th dimension because you are opening up yourself to ALL entities without the highest intention. If you have the highest intentions, then you can ascend to 5D (5th dimension). Recently, I had my own personal experience of a psychic attack and did not know what to do when I was in that situation. I observed being in my house like normal except there were things that were different. I could lit...

Yoga is not just stretching

 There are several different structures that allow the student to enjoy a rewarding yoga experience.  1. Tissue Preparation   Begin any physical activity (including massage) with tissue preparation using the Pranayama , "Om"-ing, Energy Healing Theta breath.  2. Restorative Practice A practice to restore and nurture. Excellent for people with health challenges, be it physical or mental. They are exactly what they say, restoring the reservoirs of the body/mind. Rejuvenating with very little physical exertion.  3. Vinyasa (Flow/Power Yoga) Practice Used as a warm up or practiced for their own sake. Excellent aerobic, isometric exercise that raises the body's energy, coordination, and mental acuity.  4. Asana Practice Practiced to increase opening of the body/mind, develop focus, and patience. Asanas are tools for heightened consciousness and health, rather than a goal to attain.  5. Pranayama Practice  Can be used as a practice on its own to incre...

The benefits of practicing Bodhi Flow™ Tiers 1-4

 The intention of practicing these tiers of Bodhi Flow is to follow the philosophy: " if you release the muscles of the core body, bones of the lumbar spine, and free the prana, the rest of the body will experience improved alignment and greater ease. It will benefit within each transition into and out of every posture with in your Asana that follows the warming of vinyasa ." The pace of this vinyasa is slower than a traditional power yoga class. By slowing down the movements and experiencing the full capacity of breath, the body builds more muscle with less repetition and less strain of the joints. Lots of repetition and straining the joints can increase susceptibility to injury. That comes from a more explosive, fast-paced practice; the muscles don't warm up and respond the same way. Practicing the Bodhi Flow ™  helps you develop a multifaceted attention. This attention naturally results in expanded body/mind understanding, awareness, and well-being. It also balances th...

The physical benefits of practicing yoga

There are twelve physiologies of the body that function physically, spiritually, ethereally, mentally, and carry rajasic, sattvic, and tamasic tendencies that yoga directly benefits. The physiologies are: integumentary, fascial, skeletal, muscular, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, eliminative, endocrine, nervous, mental-emotional, and pranic.  1. Integumentary Yoga gives skin a healthy glow by detox through sweating, balancing hormones and boosting the flow of oxygen rich blood to the skin. Yoga movement and meditation stimulate the production balance of collagen throughout the body, promoting resilient skin.  2. Fascial Yoga can release lock down in the body from the constant "forward thrust" by using an intrinsic patterning of resistance and release. This facilitates fluidity throughout all the climates of the body, from visceral, to neuromuscular, to mental-emotional. The sound of ujjayi pranayama has a softening effect on the fascial sheath. 3. Skeletal Yoga strengthe...

One of my favorite things I've recently cherished

       I used to believe if someone did a "pretty" pose and it was super advanced, then I would be fit and healthy. Wrong. Yoga is so much more than just being able to look instagram worthy and attaining a flat stomach.         Yoga is a process of confronting your own limitations being able to challenge and overcome them. I have never had upper body strength, core strength, or even great balance. I practiced and practiced Vrksasana (tree pose) until I got it right. I learned how to allow myself to trust myself. This was HUGE for me. By learning this, I can stand anywhere, away from a wall and balance because I learned to allow. Also, I perfected my ardha chandrasana (half moon) asana on my right side. I am still practicing it on my left side because I'm not as strong on my left. I don't have to use any assistance because I practiced so much. I learned from that asana that certain things take time. Focus in the moment and be present. That...

Sattvic Energy

Sattva /Side to Side Movement        Sattvic movement is light, delicate, clear, and graceful. It is stillness and balanced. In yoga, these postures would be balancing postures or the Sattva of Namaste. It is the centering point of your practice, the point just prior to conversation. Sattva is Divine or Godly nature. It is the pure mind with no judgment nor self-awareness. When you are free of negative thoughts and emotions, Sattva produces enlightenment and self realization. The Sattvic approach views yoga practice as a journey with each yoga postures as a potential for both steady joy as well as challenge. Gracen Kahn Pernia  © 2020 All Rights Reserved.

Tamasic Energy

Tamas /Upward-Downward Movement        Tamas movement is strong, deep, and internally focused. In yoga, this would be the movement deep within the focus of each postures. It is the up and down currents of extension of the head and connection of the feet. Tamas is the listening in conversation. It is tamasic nature that keeps one from trying a posture or re-coiling from participating or receiving a hands-on adjustment, which is intended to improve the yoga experience.  chakrasana Gracen Kahn Pernia  © 2020 All Rights Reserved.

Yoga Asanas and the Gunas

       The 3 Gunas (Rajas, Sattva, and Tamas) are three ways that Shakti manifests herself into the physical plane. They are the three energies that govern anything happening here in the physical plane. Furthermore, the Gunas are present in the temperament and approach we use in a pose or series of postures. In a flow or vinyasa, the nature of the Gunas is more rajasic because we move forward and backward on our mats. When it flows effortlessly, it becomes a Sattvic meditation. When we are attempting a balancing pose, we are approaching it moving from Tamas to Sattva.        It is important to recognize the gunas themselves will vary in degree depending on movement, type of posture, and the type of breath you bring to it. The Gunas are manifested through Shakti and illuminated by Shiva. Rajas /Rajasic Energy        Rajas currents, movements, or feelings are spirals seen from side to side with a forward/backward, inward...

Beginning a Yoga Practice

       When beginning your own yoga practice, it is important that you have a positive mindset, positive intentions, healthy diet, and allow yourself to grow in all areas of your life. Growing emotionally, spiritually, and physically in a positive direction can be a wonderful experience in this lifetime.         One of the most important things to note is what an asana truly is. Asana is the sanskrit word meaning posture. The actual intention behind the word asana is "a state of being , steady, and joyful". Asana postures are methods of working with one's body in order to prepare it for future spiritual development, mental, and physical stability. Also, they help increase focus and open up the conversation within the energetic structures of the human being. There is more to our lives than the physical plane. Each asana has its own risks, benefits, correct sequencing, lines of energy movement, and alignment to the 3 Gunas : Rajas , Tamas...