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Beginning a Yoga Practice

       When beginning your own yoga practice, it is important that you have a positive mindset, positive intentions, healthy diet, and allow yourself to grow in all areas of your life. Growing emotionally, spiritually, and physically in a positive direction can be a wonderful experience in this lifetime. 
       One of the most important things to note is what an asana truly is. Asana is the sanskrit word meaning posture. The actual intention behind the word asana is "a state of being, steady, and joyful". Asana postures are methods of working with one's body in order to prepare it for future spiritual development, mental, and physical stability. Also, they help increase focus and open up the conversation within the energetic structures of the human being. There is more to our lives than the physical plane. Each asana has its own risks, benefits, correct sequencing, lines of energy movement, and alignment to the 3 Gunas: Rajas, Tamas, and Sattva
       Asanas are not static like you think they would be. They are living, breathing temperaments in physical consciousness. Before one practices asanas, they must warm up the body first. This does not necessarily mean simply raising the body's temperature. It is important to warm the muscle tissues of the body through movement. Once this has been mastered, through the use of Bandha and prana the breath can be used to create an intrinsic and inspiring yoga practice that can work as a catalyst for the mind, body, and spirit transformation. 
       When asana is practiced at this level, the mind and spirit begin to evolve and the symbolism of practicing "awareness and bliss" simultaneously begin to manifest into other areas of the yogi's life. 



Gracen Kahn Pernia © 2020 All Rights Reserved.


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