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Yoga for Tight Hips

Yesterday evening, I practiced a yoga flow with a lovely yogi online via Youtube. Her name is Kassandra and she created an AMAZING hip opening sequence that left me feeling new! Throughout her practice, in some of the poses I was confronting my limitations. I pushed certain edges to my limit and broke through some of them. Others I could not. When I couldn't get into a full pose like Eka Pada Rajakapotasana, it made me feel defeated at first. After breathing where I was in the pose that almost lead to Eka Pada Rajakapotasana, I realized PRACTICE and PATIENCE. I immediately felt empowered. 

Now, in my personal practice I am going to build up to Eka Pada Rajakapotasana and master that asana. During the flow, I heard "you can do this". It made me smile and push towards my limitations in her practice. I am so grateful to have experienced that because it will help me grow mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. 

I liked that her practice was different. Normally, I love doing Bodhi Yoga™ because I experience spiritual things in those practices. For example, the other weekend I was practicing a Bodhi Flow, I was outside in the grass next to a labyrinth (still convinced to this day it is part of why I experienced what I experienced) and I was moving into child's pose, balasana. When I came out of balasana, I heard angels singing "ahhhhhh" at a highly pitched tone all around me. If you have ever listened to 16D music, you hear the song playing in a circle around your head. It is one of the coolest things ever to experience. That is how I heard the angels singing; in a circle around my head. I thought I was trippin, but then I instantly realized "oh my gosh, that is coming from me". Later, I had moved over near this English Walnut tree and had moved into balasana there. When I placed my forehead on the grass, I immediately had an astral experience and perceived a bedroom. It was strange because I was looking up at this ceiling and could tell I was in a bedroom. There were 4 tall brown bed posts and it was grey. The last astral experience I had when I saw grey was not good, so I pulled out and returned to my physical body. I'm still not sure why I saw that to this day, but I am okay with not knowing the reasoning behind it. 

Kassandra's practice made me realize that it is okay to focus on your physical limitations for a flow. As a sagittarius, I detest limitations and always seek to break them when I can. It is why I love Bodhi Yoga so much. I feel like the limitations are breakable and it makes me feel so empowered. Kassandra's flow reiterated that I CAN do anything I put my mind to. Practice and patience is key. 


Gracen Kahn Pernia © 2020 All Rights Reserved.


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