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Incoming Solar Activity

Today was the peak day in a 10 day portal activation between August 22nd to August 31st. There is an increase in cosmic activity and several spots on the sun are lighting up. It is the beginning of a new solar cycle and this means inner work is coming up. 

Whenever I begin to deal with my inner work, I discipline myself into something new. Recently, I have created and stuck with a morning ritual and evening ritual that has been serving me well. Every morning I will meditate, practice yoga, burn an incense, and just breathe. Sometimes, I earth and journal outside and make a goal of getting at least 20 minutes of sunshine daily. When our bodies receive sunlight for at least 20 minutes, it helps strengthen our immunity and helps our bodies fight off the bad viruses, bacteria, and amoeba. 

This lunar cycle has been major for me because I felt heart chakra upgrades and the need to raise my vibration higher. I have this innate feeling of wanting to be and feel lighter, so I have completely changed my diet accordingly. I eat high vibrational foods that are also ayurvedic friendly so that when I astral or etheric travel, I am vibrating SUPER high. It is so cool to see your astral body and meet your spirit guides who are with you at all times. I remember the first time seeing mine and thinking "Woah!!!!". When I came back into my physical body I was disappointed because I didn't feel "free" anymore. In the astral realm, there is no concept of time or restraints. You just fly, travel anywhere, and be you. I honestly felt like I could breathe WAY better in the astral than in the physical. It was a confusing experience because all this time I had been afraid of suffocation at death when really you never stop breathing. You just transition from one energy form to another. It is a liberating experience. 

I cannot wait until the human collective consciousness shifts from 3D to 5D. We are in a major transition right now and other beings in different dimensions are supporting us as we speak. When you make that connection with other loving beings, it makes you just want to change the world even more. I love spiritual growth so much because it is a simple reminder that we are never finished, there is no finish line, and we are here to love and be compassionate. 

If you just look, all you see are squares. If you focus your third eye on this picture, you will see circles. Seeing 3D is using the physical eyes. Seeing 5D is using the third eye. Seeing is believing.


Gracen Kahn Pernia © 2020 All Rights Reserved.


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