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The Benefits of Practicing BodhiYin Yoga™ Restorative Poses

BodhiYin Yoga™Restorative Poses increase flexibility, strength, and energy. It is perfect for people who have mental and physical challenges because this flow requires little exertion. The micro movements and being in the "stillness" is so healing because of our fast paced culture we live in. Before beginning, I like to set the space before going into my practice as it is very important to me to keep the energy clear and high vibrational. I will sage and palo santo the room and burn some Nag Champa incense to set the space. 

As I practice warming up on my mat, I am practicing Pranayama. I Ujjayi breathe for about 3-5 minutes at the beginning of my practice and transition to alternate nostril breathing to be able to breathe deeper.  Once I am ready, I will do one pose and flow from one yoga movement to another. During each asana, I will inhale through the nose, and out the mouth with a deep sigh. Different asanas allow the body this new vitality and the experience of asymmetry. Feeling asymmetrical in an asana can feel weird and unusual, but it is perfectly natural for the body to be in that space.

After one hour of flow, I will cool down with some relaxing and gentle poses such as Supta Parivrtta and Padmasana. In Savasana, I love to keep my yoga blanket over me to keep my body warm and cocooned after my flow. Also, I like to chant OM three times to conclude the practice and bow with a gentle namaste.

Gracen Kahn Pernia © 2020 All Rights Reserved


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