The biggest thing I have learned so far from my teacher training would be PATIENCE. I have never been super flexible or even had the ability to touch my toes. I recently just mastered Vrksasana (tree pose) and it is honestly the best feeling ever!! I never thought I would be able to do that EVER. I gain my confidence through repetition of poses and flows. For me, it is not something that just comes to me automatically. I have to practice consistently daily and weekly to accomplish my yoga goals.

From the few people I have taught already, I have gained amazing insight. Some people prefer to have a deeper, spiritual experience while others prefer something so gentle but healing at the same time. I love learning about different people's perspectives and expectations on their yoga experience because most people are very different in what they want out of a yoga class. I grow as a teacher by learning what people like and want out of their yoga experience.
It is the greatest blessing to me that I have found true happiness helping people heal through yoga.
Namaste :)
Gracen Kahn Pernia © 2020 All Rights Reserved
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