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The benefits of practicing BodhiSpin Yoga & Meditation

BodhiSpin Yoga is a gentle approach to Kundalini Style Yoga. The intention is to move Kundalini energy up the spine through repeating certain postures. It raises energy, allows you to become more aware, and refines your soul.

The breath is a deep, relaxed nasal breath. This combination of breathwork and practice is extremely liberating for the soul. It is my favorite flow of the different BodhiFlow practices.

I feel like a brand new person every time I practice BodhiSpin. It makes me feel more conscious, I am able to gain new insight, and my overall instinctual feelings become stronger. I cannot wait to start teaching this flow because of its many benefits.


It allows you to release any emotions pent up inside the body allowing space for the natural flow of energy. If you are prone to be moody, sad, excessive in any emotion, than this is the perfect flow for you. It will help you improve many areas of your life.


The poses aren't as physically demanding as a traditional yoga flow would be. It is much more gentler physically which I personally love.

After the BodhiSpin flow follows the meditation. You breathe for a few minutes and then following the inhale you say "SAT" and "NAM". on exhaling. This meditation literally translates to "I am my truth, my truth is ME". Sat Nam focuses on exhaling the energy we have put in our crown chakra. When focusing on "NAM" in meditation, we bring that refined energy down the spine which allows our bodies to heal.


Gracen Kahn Pernia © 2020 All Rights Reserved 


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