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My Twin Flame and Healing from Past Life Trauma

 I never knew really anything about Twin Flames until I recently tapped into my Akashic Records. Twin Flames are essentially two souls coming together as one. My current husband is literally MY TWIN FLAME! We decided to stick together through however many lifetimes it takes to not reincarnate anymore. I balled my eyes out when I *remembered* this information. We have been together for so many lifetimes I couldn't even count. 

From tapping into that, a recent past life came into my awareness from my higher self that I needed to let go and heal from. My husband and I had a past life in the Holocaust and we were taken by the Nazis. I was experimented on and he was severely abused. I did not want to tap into the details of what they did to me as it was unthinkable, and way too much for me to handle. I saw him doing everything he could to get me out of there and we broke out together and escaped. I instinctively felt unconditional love for that experience and that lifetime because I understand the people who did what they did were true divine beings. Spiritually, their divine selves would never do something like that and that our lives were soul contracted to happen to learn and experience different things. That lifetime also helped prepare me to be the natural healer that I am. 

It is so interesting that our higher selves create soul contracts for specific lifetimes in order to learn and experience different things, so that we do not have to incarnate anymore. It is bittersweet because in those traumatic lifetimes, we find ourselves blaming others and Source when it was US who chose to go through what we went through for a reason. 

When I revisited the trapped emotions from that past life, it was intense, scary and traumatizing. But I also understood to drop into the heart space and understand it from a higher perspective. I have been processing it for a few days now and feel so much better. I did a burning releasing ritual and emotion code therapy to release any and all feeling and emotions from that past life, so that I can be done with it in this lifetime and not have to come back to Earth to incarnate and heal from it all over again. 

It is so beautiful how life works out and when something is meant to be, it will be. I am forever grateful and thankful for all experiences I go through and heal from. It makes me a wiser, more unconditionally loving soul. 


Gracen Kahn Pernia © 2021 All Rights Reserved.


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