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Twenty Twenty

What a year. 

In January, I began a new chapter in my life across the country 3,000 miles away from my hometown. I had no idea what was about to unfold for me this year, but I knew I was ready for a new beginning. 

This was the year I had my first ego death. I didn't know who I was or what I wanted to be. I was aimlessly floating through life barely getting by and taking care of myself in new ways. I was eating vegan, adjusting my sleep schedule, and started taking vitamins and supplements religiously. 

I began my yoga teacher training journey in March and I knew this going to be apart of my life forever. After awakening my yoga practice like never before, one night I struggled falling and staying asleep. This was the night that changed EVERYTHING for me. I fell asleep on my back, my third eye opened and I saw the lower astral plane. I saw dark entities and floated out of my physical body. When I realized I was floating, I thought to myself "wow. I feel FREE." I rolled back over my physical body and was psychically attacked by them. 

I didn't know what I just had experienced, if it was "real" or not, and what the heck was that I just experienced? A few months later, I found an energy healer who was able to help me navigate what I  experienced and how to deal with protecting myself against low vibrational beings. 

I bought my first sound bowl, crystals, and anything I found at Sacred Energy to raise my vibration to maintain it and keep myself protected. After getting my first reading, I journaled my experience and decided to come back to it later. 

In the summer of 2020, I discovered a channeler named Elizabeth April. She talked about her experiences with psychic attacks with dark entities and reptilians. I felt something inside just turn on and click when I binged her videos. She channels the galactic federation of light to relay messages to humanity on a massive scale through her platforms. It was like I could feel something unlock and my consciousness expand and I had MAJOR perspective shifts after this.

In late September, I found another metaphysical shop called Synchronicities through this person who worked at Tesla. I invested in Oracle cards, attended ascension talk meetings, went to emotion code & reiki sessions, pyramid meditations, and so much more. After taking my journey seriously and focusing on energy work for several months straight, I began having amazing dreams and past life remembrances.

I learned that I have an innate connection to Archangel Michael, St. Germain, Krishna, El Morya, Metatron and so many other Keepers of the Light (Ascended Masters). They each had something to show me, each one a different message. They showed me who I needed to let go in my life in order to step into my full authentic self. 

I am an intuitive empath and always know when people in my life need to go but I don't always listen to it. It was very hard for me this year to end relationships that were not serving my highest good anymore. I have a hard time letting people go that I love, but I always remember their TRUE intentions and feelings towards me. It's heartbreaking to see people in denial with their own projections. They have so much healing and work to do that only they can help themselves. At the end of the day, no one is coming to save us so we must save ourselves. 

After my last session with my favorite reiki healer, I learned that I am supposed to be a channeler myself! Her higher guides and the Arcturian council recommended me this book and once I began reading it, my crown tingled like crazy and just opened!! I've been working with this for a few weeks now and it is freaking awesome. 

At the beginning of December the night before my 24th birthday, I had this UFO dream. It occured twice but slightly different. I boarded this craft in my dream and met with a woman with long gray hair, with eyes of light. She wore this off-white robe and had this energy of wisdom and love. She said "It's so nice to finally be with you again." In my dream, I said okay. Haha. Just a few nights ago, it was a full moon in cancer. The energies were very strong and I slept like a rock, which is rare for a full moon because I normally cannot stay asleep. 

I "woke up" around 3:30am according to my husband and I was lying on my back with my eyes wide open. He said my eyes then slightly closed and I started talking in English like my normal self. He said a few seconds later, I switched to sounds like zzzzzzz nnnnnnnn zzzzzzzzz. My husband is very awake and in tune with his intuition and higher self. He said he felt alien vibes at the top of the house and was kind of freaked out. As any person would be not having experience with them lol. 

I called my energy healer and she told me that they were integrating their vibration with mine to begin connecting with my cosmic family. I felt this to be extremely true for me as this has been coming up as a common theme for December. 

Needless to say, I cannot WAIT for the coming years as everything around us begins to collapse in order for us to rebuild a new way of life that we so choose to live. I will be here to assist when the illusions of society collapse and break for those who need help with direction with their lives. 

I found my soul tribe and absolutely love my new friends in my life now. It is only going to get better from here. :) 



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