I have learned SO much in just the first session of Bodhi Yoga Teacher Training. I have studied marma points, doshas, and natural progression asanas. I incorporate all of these things along with Pranayama and devise the best yoga practice for my dosha. It leaves me feeling amazing, open, and full of energy. I cannot wait to design more natural progression asana classes so that all doshas will be balanced. :)
I used to believe if someone did a "pretty" pose and it was super advanced, then I would be fit and healthy. Wrong. Yoga is so much more than just being able to look instagram worthy and attaining a flat stomach. Yoga is a process of confronting your own limitations being able to challenge and overcome them. I have never had upper body strength, core strength, or even great balance. I practiced and practiced Vrksasana (tree pose) until I got it right. I learned how to allow myself to trust myself. This was HUGE for me. By learning this, I can stand anywhere, away from a wall and balance because I learned to allow. Also, I perfected my ardha chandrasana (half moon) asana on my right side. I am still practicing it on my left side because I'm not as strong on my left. I don't have to use any assistance because I practiced so much. I learned from that asana that certain things take time. Focus in the moment and be present. That...
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