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Showing posts from December, 2020

Twenty Twenty

What a year.  In January, I began a new chapter in my life across the country 3,000 miles away from my hometown. I had no idea what was about to unfold for me this year, but I knew I was ready for a new beginning.  This was the year I had my first ego death. I didn't know who I was or what I wanted to be. I was aimlessly floating through life barely getting by and taking care of myself in new ways. I was eating vegan, adjusting my sleep schedule, and started taking vitamins and supplements religiously.  I began my yoga teacher training journey in March and I knew this going to be apart of my life forever. After awakening my yoga practice like never before, one night I struggled falling and staying asleep. This was the night that changed EVERYTHING for me. I fell asleep on my back, my third eye opened and I saw the lower astral plane. I saw dark entities and floated out of my physical body. When I realized I was floating, I thought to myself "wow. I feel FREE." I rolled ba...