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Showing posts from November, 2020

Happy Diwali!

Happy Diwali 🪔🎆🎇🌟💫✨🙏 “This beautiful festival is celebrated mostly by Hindus for 5 days. It symbolizes the spiritual victory of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance.” I felt this in my SOUL. 🙏💛🌟🪔 I have an inner connection with Hinduism and love celebrating the light winning over the dark. As most of you know, I am a lightworker and am constantly battling dark beings almost every night. WE are winning. The light is winning and ALWAYS wins. Namaste 🙏 Source:

Kemetic Yoga Practice

I have never liked the yoga that I was first introduced to in Charleston, South Carolina. I am very intuitive and have never felt nor believed that the yoga that was practiced there was the real deal. I was always turned off when the instructors were SO focused on just physical movement and whatever they said was "yoga". No one ever taught that yoga was something more.  I moved to Utah almost 1 year ago today and was introduced to Bodhi Yoga. Bodhi Yoga is a yoga practice and philosophy that originated out of current day Pakistan. I learned about chanting, connecting with my higher self, how the practice is meant for your own journey and not this attained pose that I saw all the time in Westernized Yoga. I loved that it taught me to expand my consciousness and how there is more to yoga than what Americans think.  I ventured into this metaphysical store over the summer in 2020 and found this beautiful place called Synchronicities. I wandered throughout the store and saw orgoni...

Saving the Children

 About 3 weeks ago, I had a dream where I was walking in what I perceived to be a hallway, which turned out to be a tunnel underground. I knew I was somewhere underground in current day England. You may wonder,  how did she know where she was? It is an innate knowing that is very difficult to put into words. In that dream-like state, ANYTHING is possible and not limited by physical reality.  The tunnel was looked brown and had these lights that looked like they were built into the walls. All of a sudden, I felt a very dark, evil energy behind me. My first thought was "Ah hell NO". My eyes immediately lit up like balls of light, my body started glowing like crazy, and I said in a very aggressive tone 'YOU NEED TO LEAVE NOW. YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE, NOR ARE YOU WELCOME NEAR ME. I AM BANISHING YOU TO SOURCE ENERGY." In what felt like an instant moment, I had this innate response to call on Archangel Michael. He appeared to me floating down from above me and was glowin...